Member-only story
We Don’t Need A White Male Savior
With Trump constantly parading his MAGA slogan and anti-immigration vitriol, there is an influx of Democratic presidential candidates— all jockeying for the Democratic nomination. 2020 is fast approaching and we are starting to hear, from particular groups, “Vote Dem, no matter who is running.” This is an issue and, for most BIPOC, we are fed up with this sentiment.
White Savior Is Done
We are tired of being asked to vote for someone who is not a minority, has no experience with existing as an “other” in this country and all the trauma and hardships (from microaggressions to stop and frisk) that come with being “othered”. This is, at its core, no different than learning coding, biking, or other myriad skills.
When we are learning how to do something new, we can read about the steps but what do we usually think or say? “I’ll understand it better when I do it.” When someone is teaching us what do they say? “It’ll make more sense once you actually do it.”
Meaning — nothing replaces firsthand experience. Concepts remain nothing more than abstractions without implementation. And the largest concepts seem beautiful as an abstraction and then, when…